quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2008

A teia que a teia teceu

em agosto fotografei a teia de aranha orvalhada e postei. agora, navegando, encontro uma foto que poderia ter sido tirada da mesma teia. mas não, essa teia fica no reino unido do outro lado do mundo. a foto também foi feita numa manha de neblina por uma moça chamada sandy.

ha outra teia cósmica que não se fotografa e que une as pessoas.

a foto da teia britânica esta aqui agora, com a permissão da minha mais nova amiga.

temos trocado correspondência, como se pode ver:

Hi Sandy ,

I'm so happy you answered my email. See the attached pictures of the spider web I took last August. Very similar to yours. I've already posted your picture in my blog with a note about the coincidence. We are so far apart and yet we can think of the same things. Isn't it wonderful?

Best to you

sandy marcoux wrote:
Wow how nice that I have someone here in the world looking at my blog from Brazil ... I am honoured .. thank you very much .. and of course you can post the picture on your blog... and I would be interested in seeing others from the other side of the globe to send me a message on my blog as well.
I will keep up with your blog and see how your getting on ..
keep in touch
Sandy Marcoux :)

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 10:43 PM, Mosaicos de pano wrote:

What a nice coincidence... I found on your blog the dewy spider web picture. Last June we had our coldest winter days here in Brazil and I also took pictures of a dewy spider web. It's in my blog. If you want to visit it, please follow this link: http://todameninatem.blogspot.com

I also have a patchwork blog at http://mosaicosdepano.blogspot.com

Do you mind if I post your picture in my blog? Of course I'll mention it's yours.

Best to you.

domingo, 26 de outubro de 2008

A inspiração de Ulla

Esse fascinante mundo de bloggers... Descobri um blog maravilhoso de uma mulher chamada Ulla. Escrevi a ela dizendo o quanto me inspirava e eis sua resposta:

Thank you so much for your email! I am happy that I can inspire you and hope you will visit again. You have some beautfiful photos on your blog, and I am delighted that you introduced it to me. Best of luck as you continue in the wonderful world of blogging!

O blog da Ulla fica no link: http://ullam.typepad.com/ullabenulla/page/16/
É lindo e tem um sem fim de coisas inspiradoras.